I run, I asana, I Fund!


Thank you all for the love and support following my big career change announcement!

It has me more excited than ever to get this plan in action! I have already signed up for my personal training class and test June 20-22, yoga training applications in, and am currently trying to remember how to study. It surely doesn’t help when your cat thinks that notepaper is a toy. 

It’s all scary and exciting — but isn’t every new chapter?

I am a firm believer that anything worth having is worth working your ass off for. For workouts and life, the best effort put forth, the better the reward. As Teddy Roosevelt once said, “It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things.”

Dedication can, however, only take you so far in this expensive world we live in. I have started a Go Fund Me to help assist the cost necessary to procure my certifications. While I know you, like myself, have a million things to pay for and pennies to save for your own ventures, I would greatly appreciate any small donation you might be able to make.

It is hard for me to ask for money, I have been on my own since I left High School at 18 and am damn proud of it. My parents taught me how to stand on my own two feet. But they also taught me to ask for help when it is needed — which I do. 

What do you get in return other than a free spot in my classes whenever I start teaching? (great perk!) I am planning to post workout videos here (once I figure that out on WordPress, HELP!) as well as on my Go Fund Me site. These will mainly consist of circuits, the workouts I do on a regular basis to maintain lean muscle, key for everyone and an amazing way to start your day. 


I sure hope that doesn’t happen during shooting… though anyone that knows Haggy knows that it is likely.

Again, I appreciate you for just checking this blog and reading this post, so, if you are unable to give $, please just continue to support! A dollar can take you places, but love can take you ANYWHERE!

Love and health,


Go Fund Sarah!




Back and Married!


Hello all of my fit, fabulous, running – yogi friends! 

It’s been a little while, I know. So much has been going on, all amazing things, but that have unfortunately left me with little time to tie my shoes, let alone post.

I must say, I’ve hated being away from it. No one that isn’t reading this blog should have to hear my rants about my aching plantar fascia, my almost successful attempts at a handstand and how excited I am to have finally found a nut free, healthy and DELICIOUS protein bar. Except for you all of course! Which is why I love this space, this happy blog dedicated to overall wellness. 

Over the last few months I realized that I have found something that makes me happy all the time, injuries and all. And that is talking to and helping people reach their health and fitness goals. I am inspired by everyone I talk to and it just pushes me to reach my potential.

So, with that said, I made the decision last month to quit my soul crushing job of managing/assisting opera singers, a job I have grown in during my 5 year tenure, to pursue my personal training certification and yoga teaching certification!

The decision was not the easiest one to come to. On June 1st, I am leaving my very cushy salaried job to dedicate my time, and good money, to train myself to be the best teacher and motivator I can be. But I have to do it. I realized that we only are blessed with one life. We should not waste a second doing something we hate just to have the comfort of money in the bank. Which don’t get me wrong, is nice, but the money in your pocket will not be your legacy. 

I’m not jumping into this new step in my life totally blindly, however. I have started working at the most amazing running store in the country (biased? maybe, but probably not!) JackRabbit Sports. JackRabbit is where I have been going for years to get my own shoes. They fit you for the best shoe for you and supply you with years of knowledge as well as a wide range or training programs. Working two jobs has been tough on my sleep schedule but it is hands down the best job I have ever had. I get to talk to people about running all day! I have learned so much about nutrition, electronics, apparel and of course shoes in just two short months there that it has just solidified that I have made the right decision to move into the wellness industry. I have met and worked with ultra marathoners and champion triathletes, it’s like a dream come true. You can find me at the Union Square location in NYC nights and weekends — come and talk shop with me!

I also ran another amazing race, the Sleepy Hollow Half Marathon in March. It was TOUGH but certainly the 2nd most beautiful race I have done (the first is New Paltz Half which I will be doing again this Father’s Day weekend!). It was extremely challenging. I stopped counting how many hills there were after 13, it was brutal, especially when I decided to sprint up the last and steepest hill in the last 500 meters. My legs promptly said “F you, Sarah!” and turned to stone. Which was why I was shocked that my time was 1:58:34. Not a PR, but for that course, it damn well should just be. And oh, yeah, I’ve become really freakin’ fast. Solid 8 min miles are how I roll these days!


The other bit of news that I have for you guys is evident by the first photo and title of this post. I married my best friend and soul mate on April 12, 2014. It was the best day of my life. Family, friends, love and happiness surrounded myself and my husband Steve in a way we will never forget. With that said, I am very glad that the stress of planning is over and I have my husband and my sanity. I also have a life partner that has supported me through this new career decision every step of the way. I could not achieve my dreams without him. As payment he receives endless love and of course healthy meals and personal training. I think it works itself out. 

We just returned home from the most amazing time in Jamaica. What did we do? A whole lot of nothing. Laying around the beach, eating delicious food and having probably way too much Red Stripe Lite, which is surprisingly great, FYI! Oh yeah and we worked out 1-2 hours everyday. It was the most amazing week of my life.


Now, alas, it is time to get serious. I have my personal training class/test June 20-22 and lots of studying to do until then. My husband and I are also determined to leave this city for, quite literally, greener pastures. We have a lot coming up but I can’t wait to tell you all about it, including training for my next marathon. 

Sometimes a bit of reflection is all you need to realize, damn, my life is great.

With love,




Yay Yoga!

“True yoga is not about the shape of your body, but the shape of your life. Yoga is not to be performed; yoga is to be lived. Yoga doesn’t care about what you have been; yoga cares about the person … Continue reading

Merry Happy!


Merry Christmas to all of you that celebrate!

As the year comes to an end, its natural to look back on the past twelve months and analyze the good and bad, ups and downs. Usually, at this time of year, I’m snacking on whatever sugar laden treat is in a mile radius of me and planning my seemingly yearly ritual of New Year’s Day weight loss plan. This holiday season, that vicious pattern has finally changed.

2013 has been a year of pure joy for me. I completed two half marathons, the Brooklyn Half and the New Paltz (NY) Half where I set a PR of 1:54:23. I trained and completed my first marathon, the Philadelphia Marathon on November 17 with a time of 4:40. My brother Daniel, my best friend on the planet, married one of my closest friends who happens to be one of the most patient, beautiful and intelligent people I know. I have become an auntie to two of my closest friends who brought the most beautiful child I’ve seen into this world, Maya Dallas. Not to mention, I officially can consider myself one of the luckiest people on the world who has found her soul mate and that soul mate decided to marry me. Achieving goals, celebrating family milestones and planning the next major life step has made me really reflect on just how blessed I am. 

I am blessed to have the ability to move, to run, jump, walk and sometimes, dare I say, fly (my speed has increased dramatically post-marathon). I am blessed to have been introduced to yoga which has done more than increase my flexibility and prevent training injuries. It has provided me with the opportunity to look inward, to balance my mind and soul — my spiritual connection with my body and the world and people around me. I am blessed to have two of the sexiest cats every who may occasionally bite my feet at 6AM or throw up on a newly washed comforter, but who are my life companions that mostly bring a smile to my face and love in my heart. I am blessed to have wonderful friends and family who deal with me even at my worst, who provide me with unconditional love and support, especially this year when I pushed myself to my absolute limit. 

Most of all, I must shout out my number one fan and my rock, my partner Steve who has been patient, kind, loving, supportive, and a million more adjectives. I am so proud to take his name and to start our own family together. You have helped me be the best version of myself. I don’t know of any better gift that one person can give another.

But I know what’s close!

A Garmin Forerunner AND a Google Chromebook!

I have been a smidge more than obnoxious about expressing my desire for a running watch. The more I run, the more I value running without music and a million gadgets weighing me down. Yet, I still want and need to track my progress, so this baby is going to be my best friend for the foreseeable future. 

The Google Chromebook is because I must be really special and Steve loves to spoil me. I haven’t had a working computer in years, seeing as I have one at work and an iPad at home (another Stevie gift) I didn’t feel as though I needed another electronic. As I decided to start this blog and delve deeper into the fitness world, I knew I would eventually have to buckle down and buy some sort of laptop. A month back I had seen a commercial for a Google Chromebook and to my surprise, someone must have been listening to my very interested mumblings and under the tree was this perfect tool that will allow me to start writing more!

I know, unfortunately, that not everyone who is reading this and surely a high percentage of the world has not had such a blessed and successful year. Some have lost their jobs and yet to find new ones. Others have lost loved ones or their homes. While in my life I have had a roller coaster of ups and downs, I have never truly had to deal with any of those life changers. If and when it will happen, I can only hope there are people out their to pray and put good vibes into the universe to help everyone who has felt as though they have hit rock bottom.

If I can take anything from this year, I have read and heard stories about miraculous people who overcome adversity and achieve outstanding goals. In my own right, I feel as though I achieved the adversity of being unhealthy and to do a complete 180 to heal my body, mind and spirit with the help of others around me. If I can do it, anyone can.

I will now play Madden with my fiance and celebrate this wonderful day with my new family. I sincerely wish that you and yours have a happy, safe and blessed Holiday. I encourage you to give thanks to YOURSELF and the universe for providing you with the ability to run, asana and repeat.

Merry Christmas to all!


Climbed The Mountain And When I Reached The Top…

It was glorious.

Its been awhile folks, not my intention, but the training and work load has sucked every atom of energy out of me. Not an excuse, just an explanation.

But boy oh boy do I have pictures and wonderful training updates! Will I be forgiven? Please say yes!

Taking my own advice, which I seem to never do, I tried to remind myself that training CANNOT run my life (HA! see what I did there?). Balance is important and as of late I have been missing my friends and family. So I decided to overdose on my loved ones and it has been superb. I am truly the luckiest girl in the world to have such talented and loving people in my life. But yeah… when you are training for something as intense as a marathon, you need that thing called…damnit, whats it called? Oh yeah, rest. Which I have not gotten AT ALL. It has totally caught up with me and I’ve been in a perpetual state of fatigue and illness. So bad, in fact, my latest crazed e-mail exchange with my Mom went something like “I love you Sarah but I must admit, you take my breath away even by email.  CALM DOWN!!!!!!” Oh Moms. What do they know?

Oh right, everything.

Anyway I’ll take you back to two weeks ago:

Oct 7: Hour Vinyasa yoga

Oct 9: 8 miles in 1:11

Oct 10: 5 miles in 45:34

Oct 11: 4.09 in 38:00 + hour Vinyasa yoga

Oct 12: 18 miles in 3:04

I totally killed that week, but when the long run came it totally kicked my ass. It was the week I’d been fearing since the beginning of my training, why? I’m not sure. For some reason the number sounded scarier than 20. A combination of my mental being not right, the weather being a little tricky and having a crazy busy day ahead. It was tough but I did it and I promptly inhaled a bacon egg and cheese and headed to Steve’s nieces birthday party in Long Island. His niece and our soon to be flower girl is the most adorable girl on earth, I swear and I’m pretty sure she is warming up to me taking her favorite Uncle away.

We came back, I finally showered and headed out to hear my friend Ryan and his fantastic band Noise & Rhythm play in a dope new distillery in Williamsburg called The Shanty. This place was Cool man, so cool I had to capitalize the C. Wonderful drinks and a great space for music. I may be biased as my buddy leads the band but my super picky fiance LOVES them and purchased some tracks immediately after the first time hearing them. Don’t take our word for it, check them out on that dope thing called Spotify or their site. Good stuff.


As I made the tipsy way back to the apt, I thought to myself how perfect the day has been. “Great” run, family time, awesome tunes, hanging with friends, can’t get much better than that. Then the exhaustion hit and my planned hour nap turned quickly into two and I ran to the Lower East Side for the highlight of the evening, to celebrate my partner in crimes birthday.


That sexy gorgeous thang you see up there is my best friend and maid of honor Elyse. She has joined the 26 year old club, finally, and it was so wonderful to celebrate her and her fabulous self at The Delancey. I even danced. Just for her. ‘Cause I love her. I miss her already. Just another reason to hate Boston for taking her away from me!

After sleeping a obscene amount the next day, I realized I needed to slow it down a bit. I was reaching the peak of my training and while going out and partying is all well and good, I’m no spring chicken anymore. A fact that seems to have its way of harshly reminding me fairly often. My favorite theater friend, Conor and I went to see a revival “Winslow Boy” at Roundabout Theater and it was phenomenal. Good ol’ fashion theater with spot on British humor. It was delightful and reminds me how much I need to take advantage of being in the best city in the world. After all the fun, it was back to the grind:

Oct 14: Hour Vinyasa Yoga

Oct 16: 6.5 miles in 1:02 + Hour Vinyasa Yoga

Oct 17: 6 miles in 55:25

Oct 18: 4.35 miles in 44:02 + Hour Vinyasa Yoga

and finally…. the peak of my training

Oct 19: 20 miles in approx 3:30

I don’t know how to properly put into words the feeling of completing 20 miles for the first time. Completing 8 miles without breaking much of a sweat has been shocking enough alone, but 20 straight?! It gives me chills just thinking about it. I am damn proud of myself and as much as I despise the saying, “If I can do it, you can too!”, it is absolutely true. After hitting the 10 mile half way mark in the beautiful village of New Paltz, my phone died because of the cold. Yeah I know, time to get a new phone. So I was left to my own devices, my mind, to get me through the rest of the run. I started thinking about where I was 5 years ago. Overweight, completely out of shape, eating crap and being depressed about my size. I started thinking about how tough training for my first half (one year ago) was and all the injuries that came with it. I started thinking about how blessed I am to have a partner in life that supports me and waits at the end of every finish line. Who has never doubted me and gives me the loves and support I need whenever I need it. Even if that means him listening to me as I’m having a full out tantrum on the ground about how hard this training this is. The next 10 miles went by in no time. With gorgeous scenery to match.


When I finished I was definitely hurting but my spirit has never been so high. I can now say for certain, will finish this marathon and start training for a new one. I can now say I love me and you know what? I’m a freaking badass.

Now a month before the big day, I am going to start tapering and have eliminated alcohol, caffeine, sugar and processed foods from my diet — something I always try to do before a race. Clean out the body. So I have a new challenge ahead. As the great Dr. King said, “…He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over. And I’ve seen the promised land.” I can say now more than ever, I can do it because I can do anything I set my mind to. And you can too.

Monday Shumday


Lets be honest. Mondays are hard. The weekend either ends with us longing for more or beats us up, leaving us in a miserable toxic state or both.

Even if you have one of those rare occurrences where you are productive AND relaxed over the weekend, the Monday commute with all the sleepy depressed faces can really bring you down.

As it gets cooler and darker, Mondays will become increasingly challenging, and for some, Fall beings a downward spiral into Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) which becomes increasingly challenging the closer we approach the winter doldrums. While I luckily do not suffer from SAD, I know many who do, including my overworked mother. And I think we all deal with it in some way. After all, its hard to get motivated to rise and “shine” when its dark out and that comforter is just SO comfy its practically begging to be held.

Eons ago, when I was in High School, I refused to get out of bed on Mondays. My mother, the eternal optimist, would come into my room singing, encouraging me to have a great start to the week. I scowled, threw the covers over my head and hit the snooze button. Minutes later, my older brother would come in, turn on the lights and rip the covers off of me. What an ass making me go to school, but it was the only thing that worked. Over the years, I have tried to develop strategies to fix this problem. After all, we all want to start off on the right foot! Now that we are entering a new season and a new week, here are some tips to get through it and tools to deal with the SAD before it knocks you down.

Yoga– Just do it. You read about it all the time, its really cool to flip upside down and challenge yourself. Also, you will really hate this blog if you don’t like reading about yoga. Most importantly, believe it or not, you release toxins. The best lessons I have are when I am partook in one to many alcoholic beverages and/or binged on fast food. They suck, I hate every second, but its as though your body was given a reset. I always go to yoga on Monday and Fridays. One to prepare for the weekend the other to fix the weekend. Try it for a week, I’d love to say “I told ya so”.


Break Your Fast Healthfully– Feed your body what it needs. If you do, you’ll find that your brain will catch up with you and you will WANT what the temple NEEDS. Fruit, veggies and protein are how I like to begin my day. My favorite and most healthy recipe is my Tropical Green Smoothie. Complete with 1 frozen banana, handful of spinach, mango and pineapple with a scoop of greek yogurt. Mix that bad boy up and you are ready to conquer the world! Or at the very least, will stay full and feel great ’till lunch. Which brings me to lunch…

Make Your Slow-Cooker Your Best Bud– It is challenging to break bad habits. After a weekend of eating out or ordering in, it can be really easy to slip back into that. I admit that I almost forgot that I had a slow cooker. It was packed deep away in my cabinet since last winter. Not anymore! While it is easy to slap together that PB and J, why not give your body something wonderful. I found this AMAZING Taco Chicken Bowl recipe  which is inexpensive, ridiculous simple and totally hit the spot for lunch. Throw it all in there Sunday afternoon, set out for lunch(es) for the week and freeze some for a lazy day. I served mine with some brown rice and avocado and let me tell you, its a winner.

Water – DRINK IT! We are made up of 60% water. Those beers you had during football Sunday did not do anything to keep you hydrated, quite the opposite. Rule of thumb, drink a glass of water before you eat anything and always keep water at your desk. You’ll find yourself sipping all day and feeling great.

Change It Up – We usually are so beat by the end of Mondays we dont’ want to do much more than plop down in front of the tv and tune out. Weekends are not just for fun, we only have a limited time on this Earth. Go to a movie, take an evening stroll, go to a show. You’d be amazed how lovely Mondays can be.

Remember, your body is your temple. Treat it right, it’ll return the favor. Promise.

Wednesday Two-a-Days Kick my Asana

Oh NYC, you evil humid mistress.

Fall, my favorite season, should be here by now, but of course, in true NYC fashion, we get one last assault of heat, humidity and the lovely smell garbage, concrete and B.O in the air. Ahh, lovely NYC.

So when I woke up today and was sweating through my clothes even with AC on, I was not looking forward to my morning run. Three snoozes later I begrudgingly laced up and went out.

Bam. That first wave of heat. Ugh, it’s like running through pudding.

I start off feeling great, which never is usually the case. I find that it’s the hardest the first couple of miles until I find my perfect little running heaven of even breathing and solid stride.

4.41 miles in 40:02

Not bad. But damn was I miserable.

I came home and chugged 55 solid onces of water in probably 3 mins. Cold shower and on with the day.

Only nope.

I left the house with my pink fuzzy house slippers on. Only to then come back in, put on real shoes and pick up my empty laundry bag instead of the full bag of garbage.

Clearly this run kicked my ass and is making me remember it. Or forget it, as it were.

All day, water water water. Nope, still feel like crap. Tea. Nada. Green juice.


Rejuvenated by my favorite juice “Get Your Green On” from Juice Generation. I know, the name is dope, but don’t even think about stealing it. That ish is trademarked.

It has kale, spinach, mint, pineapple and apple and it is gooooood. Go out RIGHT NOW if you are near one and thank me later.



Now, some people see yoga as this do nothing activity. I challenge anyone who thinks that to come to my teachers class at NY Loved Yoga at 6:30 on Wednesdays.

I have never. And I mean not even when I recently ran 12 miles on an 80 degree humid NYC day, sweat so much in my life. No matter where I’m at in my training and practice, this chick makes you WORK and you will feel it the next day.

Normally after her classes I feel bruised and beaten yet phenomenal at the same time, tonight was just agony. That damn run, THIS STUPID HUMIDITY!

Training. Some days you kick your asana more than others. Breathe through it.

Or just be like me and treat yourself to some much deserved frozen yogurt.
