Happy National Running Day!


It is upon us! Today we celebrate the joy of running and all of the goodness that it brings!

Not a runner? All good! Why not try something new and go for a quick run around your block today? Maybe you will be inspired and if not, hey, you just torched some serious calories and got to experience some time in the good ol’ outdoors. 

I know, I know, every day seems to be a National Something or Other, but this day is dedicated to us! Perks and all.

If you are in the NYC area, there are a TON of options for deals and swag:

JackRabbit: My home is giving away free sunglasses!

Charity Miles: A running app that donates cash to your choice of charity for every run you do, is giving away cool SWAG at Columbus Circle at 6:30

Asics and FootLocker: Have 20% off in store! Plus a free tech shirt, none of that cotton junk for us runners!

So don’t walk, RUN to these spots for awesome deals and cool swag. Celebrate the fact that you can, indeed walk/run when others can’t. Never take that for granted. 

It’s a scorcher out there for us in the TriState area so be sure to hydrate, wear light clothing and most of all…



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