Weekend Fall Bliss

Fall has made it’s appearance this weekend here in New York.

And it’s AWESOME!

If you haven’t had the experience to be here in the Fall, I suggest you do whatever you can to get here in the next month and a half! People are more pleasant, it’s is the ideal temperature, especially for runners and nothing beats the crisp crunching of newly fallen leaves.

This weekend I just had to make the best out of my favorite season.

It started with my long run on Saturday morning. My long runs have been rough the last couple of weeks. I have a hard time keeping a slow and even pace. Even when I think I’m moving at turtle speeds, I’m still at around a 9 minute mile and get burnt out half way. Luckily, this run was different. It was perfect.

Thank you season/weather gods for treating me to such lovely conditions! 67, sunny with just enough clouds. A runners heaven.

14.01 in 2:12

My time would have been significantly better if I didn’t get lost in SOHO but I felt strong and approached the run with ease. I also made sure to put on slower tunes to help with my pace. Nothing like a ballad to help you put on the breaks.

Overall, I must say that every long run I daydream of marathon day and just how accomplished I will feel crossing the finish line after putting in months of hard work. I find myself becoming emotional just thinking about it. Nothing pushes you more than your own will!

That brings us to Sunday, another beautiful day when we rest and enjoy that intoxicating sport that is football. Wanting to start the new week right, I made my go-to Sunday meal, an egg scramble. I love making scrambles because one, its a great substitute for going out to brunch where you often have mystery ingredients and way too much fat. Two, because its inexpensive and super easy.

Today’s scramble had potatoes, onions, yellow and orange peppers ( my favorite ), spinach, chicken breast (cold cut) and, of course, eggs, 3 whole, 2 egg whites.

This protein packed breakfast dish keeps you full and energized for hours without feeling bogged down.


Oh and yes, since its fall, a Skim Pumpkin Spice Latte was a must.

What’s your favorite Sunday meal?

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