Do It All Sunday

I thought a lot about lounging in front of the TV watching the games and angrily checking my fantasy scores every 5 mins. Maybe it was the delicious egg scramble I may never know but today was am extremely productive day.

The day before the work week is always hard to exercise. We all have errands, plans with friends, or just plans with the couch and remote. I’ve found as I’m getting older (BLAH) that the best way to start the week to prepare for the dreaded morning alarm is to get a great workout in, buy and prepare some healthy foods and detox from the weekend with several glasses of water.

But what about relaxing? What about football???

Today I decided to get in some circuits. Best part about circuits? Is you can get a solid workout in almost anywhere.

I meed to watch football on Sunday so I decided to do my circuit workout in front of the TV
My circuit went as follows, 15 reps 3 sets,
40 jumping jacks
30 sit ups
20 squats
10 push-ups
One arm kettle ball (each side)
Around the body pass kettle ball
Swings kettle ball
Figure eight kettle ball
Deadlift kettle ball

I finished that off with 2 miles of speed work during halftime. Knowing we desperately needed to go food shopping to fill the fridge with healthy pretty fruits and veggies, I brought some money with me and took care of that errand after my run.

Added workout bonus, carrying 25 lbs of groceries .75 miles!

Lunch tomorrow is in the slow cooker, yoga clothes picked out and in a bag. Time to enjoy the rest of the evening!

Keep your Sundays healthy and productive!

Even Haggy got her workout in!


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