F#*K You, Chad Stafko


Forgive me as I’m sure many of you have read this article but today, two days before my first marathon, I deemed it only appropriate to join the rest of my running blogging community and react to this mean spirit, Chad Stafko.

For those of you who haven’t read this, please read and then continue on with my post:


Is your faced all scrunched up in confusion/anger? Have you audibly scoffed? Yeah me too.

I have a tendency to rant nonsensically when I get angry so I’m going to try and write coherently using as few expletives as possible.

What. A. Dick.

Sorry, expletive #1, had to get it out of the way.

1. If You Don’t Like Social Media, Don’t Have Social Media: People all around me, especially in the past year or so, seem to be complaining about what they see on Social Media platforms. Complaining about all the baby pictures, the EMO statues, the selfies. While, I am not a fan of any of the aforementioned things, I have Facebook and Twitter and have no immediate plan to cancel my accounts. Why? Because I “follow” and “friend” the people I want to; and when someone abuses their self indulgent nature with dozens of photos and statues a day, you become hidden from my NewsFeed or “unfollowed”. Does that seem abnormal? Apparently it does because the whole world, including Mr. Stafko seem to think complaining will fix the problem. I am a major proponent of the idea that if you don’t like what you see, change the picture. But oh shucks, that means that some people will have nothing left to talk about because complaining is their life because some people are just not “happy” unless they are miserable and bring misery upon others.

2. Before You Form an Opinion on Something Try It: This is a grievance I have with more folks than just Mr. Stakfo. I have encouraged so many around me to accompany me for a run. Everyone from my brother to fiance to collegues. I get that it isn’t everyone thing, I do. For me, it is something that I fell in love with and I have a desire to spread the wonderful benefits that running has given me to others. Forgive me if I become irate when I read an opinion piece about someone who is a self-proclaimed non-runner write about how annoying runners are. So are literally that person that decides to heckle someone for doing something they love? What kind of person does that make you? Furthermore, what kind of publication is the Wall Street Journal for publishing something so negative and damning for seemingly no reason. This is, plain and simple, a publicity stunt by Wall Street Journal to get attention by doing the exact opposite of what every other publication has been talking about in regards to running for the past month; after all, it is race season, but what does this guy care?

3. What On Earth is Wrong with Running Stores?: Mr. Stafko goes on a three paragraph rant about running stores where one buys shoes, appearl, eqipment. Um, what? So what, I’m not supposed to purchase running gear? If you ran more than a mile in your life, you’d probably know that different clothing other than everyday/work clothes are necessary for running or any exercise for that matter. And this is the fucking Wall Street Journal that is encouraging people not to stimulate the economy? HUH!? I am a damn bargain hunting beast and let me tell you, if everything was cheaper online, I would buy it. Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn’t. Do some damn research, just a LITTLE before forming an opinion.

I guess that last point about Mr. Stafko doing little to no research except for the easily Googled running stats he states for one sentence of this, is really what got my goat. You can stand on top of your soap box all you want but your argument means nothing without research and facts. I wish he delved deeper into that statement that his runner “friend” said when stating, “Why do I keep doing this?” Isn’t that a question we have all asked ourselves at various points in our lives? In terms of relationships, jobs and perhaps even a hobby/fitness regimen?  We all fall, what makes us stronger is getting back up. As a runner, someone who has put their mind and body through extremes to reach a goal will absolutely encounter that. It is actually something I have encountered in these recent days leading up to the Philadelphia Marathon. After reading this lovely Opinion piece by Mr. Stafko, I am more motivated than ever to kick some serious ass. I am a better person than he for trying to improve myself mentally and physically.

I am proud to be part of a group of people that stick together, work together, fail and succeed together. It is what I wish our whole society could be like, but Mr. Stafko (see how nice I am to even call this guy Mr.?) would rather join the group that puts people down for reaching their goals. Try running sometime too, Mr. Stafko, you can run with me any day you’d like.

I am strong. I am fierce.

Ok, I’m a runner. YOU get over it!

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