Weekend Review

One of the most challenging obstacles to face when training for a marathon is how to deal with exhaustion.

Sometimes it really knocks you down and defeats you. Other times if catches up with you and really wreaks havoc on your mind and body. The latter has been true in my case. 

Every morning of last week was an epic struggle to get out of bed let alone get through the work day AND excercise. I am starting to realize that I am not super human, that indeed what I am working towards is challenging. I get that in theory, but in practice its really damn frustrating when my brain is not up to speed with my body. Stupid body!

I decided to spend the night in on Friday, something that has been happening more frequently these days. These marathon training programs should say *CAUTION: This WILL prevent you from having much of a social life*

I decided to whip together one of my favorite quick meals, baked ziti with ground turkey. It’s so easy to find yourself submitting to delivery.com on the weekends and I want to do whatever I can to change that terrible habit. Real food is Good food! Plus carboloading AND leftovers for lunch? Win win.



My best friend in the whole world and soon to be international entertainer, Elyse, gave Steve and I a lovely bath soap set for our engagement party. She insisted that these soaps were fantastic particularly for RELAXING. She of course stared me straight in the eye when she said relaxing as she knows better than most that this is something I do not do. Stress is my middle name! Something I am working on… you know when I’m not busy working, planning a wedding and running 30 miles a week. I ran a bath and threw in one of the Lush lavender soap bombs and it was HEAVEN. That with some Billie Holiday really hit this spot. I did not know how worn down and stressed I was until I sunk into the tub. Maybe there is something to this whole relaxation thing after all!


Lush lavender bath bomb!

Bed early and woke up to another phenomenal Fall morning to tackle my long run. Unfortunately, even with my killer bath, I was crazy sore from yoga and my feet ached from this week of running. I powered through.

15.02 miles in 2:31:24

Because of the soreness, this long run was significantly harder than last weeks, but I did not need to stop except to have some water and really felt the strongest I have been in this whole process. 

Mins after I hopped out of the shower, my ladies joined me on the bed for a serious nap time session. Best. Nap. EVER!



Sunday came and I completed an easy 3.01 in 26.30. I hate when they say “easy” run. This was not easy, my joints were still tight from the long run and the Sun was really making himself known. I powered through.

Of course, life loves to throw you a curve ball and now that dreaded early Fall cold has crept its way into our household. 

Normally, I would panic but this weekend of relaxing I have come to realize that life never gives you anything you can’t handle. I am blessed the ability to purchase food, cook, have cuddle time with sexy cats and awesome friends that remind me to step back and take a damn chill pill — or a lovely bath.

Remember you only get one body! Treat it right!

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